The Module: Pharmacology and Toxicology for Natural Scientists- Principles of Human Disease and Treatment, WS 2023/2024
Application for the courses via email: Please contact Prof. Dr. Ingrid Boekhoff ( from the 2nd of October 2023.
Lecture (7C1308): “Principles of Human Disease and Treatment”
Course Description: This advanced course is a team-taught series lecture given by several instructors of the institute. After a short introduction into the main princilples of pharmacology, lectures will cover the pathophysiology of common and important diseases, as well as the principles of diagnosis and pharmacological treatment.
Comprehensive Examination: Students are required to pass a written comprehensive exam that will be taken at the end of the semester.
Time: Monday, 2 hours, 14:30 – 16:00 pm
Location: Großhad. Str. 9 (N) / N 02.011, Campus Martinsried (BMC).
2. Seminar (7C1309): Understanding Human Diseases: Principles of Molecular Mechanisms and Treatment.
Course Description: Students are required to make an oral presentation of a research article describing original research to contemporary pharmacology and toxicology.
Grading Policy: Grading is based on satisfaction of the attendance requirement and satisfactory evaluation of the oral presentation.
Time: Weekly, Wednesday at 17:30 or by arrangement.
Location: Pettenkoferstr. 14, F120
3. Research laboratory internship (7C1307): “Principles of Human Disease and Treatment”
Course Description: The individual research laborytory internships are arranged by teaching staff members of different groups of the Walther-Straub-Institute according to current research topics. Students are required to work independently under close supervision of an instructor and will learn specialized techniques used in the corresponding research field.
Grading Policy: Research labs last for the equivalent of 8 full-time working weeks in the lab and subsequent preparation of a written lab report and an oral progress presentation.
Prerequiste: The lecture and the seminar are prerequisites for this practical traineeship.
Location and Time: By arrangement
Information regarding the coronavirus: Courses with single students, e.g. research courses, bachelor or master projects, can be provided whereby the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Second Bavarian Infection Control Measures Ordinance at Bavarian Universities (in German) in conjunction with the Supplementary Regulations of LMU (in German) must be observed ( ttps://
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Ingrid Boekhoff (
Walther-Straub-Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
80336 München
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 21 80 75761
Fax: +49 (0) 89 21 75719
- Enseignant: Ingrid Boekhoff
- Enseignant: Attila Braun
- Enseignant: Andreas Breit
- Enseignant: Vladimir Chubanov
- Enseignant: Alexander Dietrich
- Enseignant: Alexander Faußner
- Enseignant: Christian Grimm
- Enseignant: Olwen Groth
- Enseignant: Luisa Jimenez Soto
- Enseignant: Noushafarin Khajavi
- Enseignant: Elmina Mammadova ép Bach
- Enseignant: Michael Mederos Y Schnitzler
- Enseignant: Annette Nicke
- Enseignant: Tanja Popp
- Enseignant: Stefanie Resenberger
- Enseignant: Gabriele Sabbioni
- Enseignant: Johann Schredelseker
- Enseignant: Ursula Storch