Course Content: Research projects related to current questions in plant science are assigned to each participant. The aim is that the students research the topics independently by finding appropriate literature and resource. Then the students’ task is to apply learned techniques to this topic and to propose how to address these scientific questions. Students consult regularly with the instructor. The seminar entails 2 SWS, and requires an approx. 15 minute oral presentation of the proposed research plan to the entire group. In addition, a written proposal has to be submitted.

Seminar: Mechanisms of plant gene regulation by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frank and Dr. Oguz Top


In the seminar, the students critically discuss diverse mechanisms of gene regulation in plants. Specifically, the students select a topic, search, select and read a recent relevant publication and present the results and outcome of this publication in this seminar. Ideally, several new topics including gene regulation by non-coding RNAs, epigenetic mechanisms, post-transcriptional control, signals and triggers for gene expression will be discussed and presented.

Learning outcomes

The students will be able to communicate and to present the content of a recent scientific report or publication in a clear and unambiguous manner and to exchange information and general ideas on a scientific level with student fellows and experts in Plant Molecular Cell Biology.

You have to give a scientific presentation and want to ...

  • know how to start
  • where do you find reliable background information
  • improve your slides
  • connect with your audience
  • find a good finish
  • know what is constructive feedback

This e-learning course will help you.

You have to work step by step to see the next learning chapter. The spending time is depending on your background and insensitivity working with the exercises (approximately 2-3 hours).

The course is originally developed for a group of students to work through the course together to share their ideas and to give peer-to-peer feedback.

 Nevertheless you can go through the exercises also on your own to improve your presentation skill.

 Good luck!

Einschreibeschlüssel: Biologie macht Schule


In this seminar, current topics and research projects in cell biology and physiology of plants are presented and discussed. The students choose recently published research papers to give oral presentations followed by a discussion. Furthermore, students are encouraged to think critical and to participate in the discussions actively.

Learning outcomes

The students will be able to present and communicate current scientific literature in a clear and unambiguous manner. They will gain expertise in exchanging information and ideas on a scientific level with experts in the field of cell biology and physiology of plants, and to transfer knowledge to actual problems in plant biology and human society.


Seminar for the masters course: "Methods in Protein Characterization WS 24/25"