The seminar on Data Ethics is part of the MSc Data Science program at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. The course will be lead by Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller and Fabio Genz.
Contents: The seminar is one part of the module Data Ethics and Data Security, which covers basic legal and ethical questions and challenges of data security. This course helps the students to prepare lectures on ethical and legal aspects of data ethics. Students are introduced to the technical, legal, and ethical issues of data security, especially when dealing with personal data or when planning experiments in Data Science.
Objective: Students will reflect on standard procedures and problems of data protection and learn technical methods to handle data responsibly.

- Teacher: Fabio Genz
- Teacher: Dieter Kranzlmüller
- Teacher: Giacomo De Nicola
- Teacher: Göran Kauermann
- Teacher: Victor Tuekam Mambou
In the last decade, the availability of huge data repositories and the strong increase in computational powers has empowered artificial intelligence techniques like neural networks and reinforcement learning. Big Data became the synonym for large, heterogenous and dynamic data sources. However, challenges like data quality and non-iid data sources have become more pressing with the new wealth of data.
The lecture covers techniques for handling Big Data sources using modern Hardware like Compute Clouds and GPU-Computing like NoSQL databases and Batch Systems. In addition, it will provide an introduction to deep neural networks which exploit these new conditions to constantly extend the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence Systems.
- Teacher: Maximilian Bernhard
- Teacher: Matthias Schubert