This is a course for students taking a Master in Physics or Astrophysics. This course will enable you to not only learn about the evolution and structure formation processes in the Universe, the course will equip you with the necessary tools to pursue original research in modern cosmology and hence actively participate in the quest of uncovering some of the deepest mysteries of the Universe and Physics. You will learn the basics of general relativity, the riddles of dark matter and dark energy, the origin of structures in the very early Universe and how they evolve to the distribution of galaxies and the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background. The core of the course is not just the lecture but also hands-on problems you learn to solve with the advice of experienced tutors.

In particular topics include

The Cosmic Distance Ladder
Modelling the Expansion of the Universe
Cosmology from Distance Measures
The Large-Scale Distribution of Galaxies
Modelling the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
Cosmological Tests with Large-Scale Structure
Structures in Radiation - The Cosmic Microwave Background
Modelling of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
Cosmology with Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
Weighing the Universe - The Most Massive Objects: Galaxy Clusters
State of the Art: Bringing it all together - The H0 Tension

Please self enroll into the course and register on LSF here.

Learner Testimonials:

"This was my favorite course in the whole semester. Prof.Weller did explain really well all the core concepts and helped us in understanding our universe even better."

"Das Engagement und die Begeisterung des Dozenten für sein Thema, das war auch ansteckend. Und die immer gute Laune. Die Möglichkeit häufig und viele Fragen zu stellen. Die große Bereitschaft Fragen zu beantworten, sowohl des Dozenten als auch der Tutoren."

Goldener Sommerfeld for best master lecture 2022