Dieses Seminar soll in das neue Gebiet der medizinischen Physik einführen. Zusammen mit Medizinphysiker*innen der Uni-Kliniken werden in den Seminarvorträgen die Grundlagen der wichtigsten physikalischen Methoden in der Medizin erarbeitet.
Die teilnehmenden Kliniker*innen und Physiker*innen betreuen die jeweiligen Vorträge aus ihrem Fachgebiet. Neben der fachlichen Thematik werden im Seminar auch zahlreiche Punkte zur Vortragstechnik selber besprochen. Dazu gehört neben einer engen Betreuung in der Vorbereitungszeit, einem Probevortrag vor Ihrer Betreuer*in und einem direkten Feedback zur Präsentation, auch die Möglichkeit, den Vortrag auf Video aufzeichnen zu lassen.
Dieses Seminar ist für Bachelorstudierende ab dem 4. Fachsemester gedacht.
Weitere Informationen und die Anmeldung (Windhundverfahren) finden Sie auf LSF.
- Teacher: Jonathan Bortfeldt
This lunch time seminar, entirely held in English language, will introduce you to the exciting topic of medical imaging and radiation treatment in cancer therapy. At the same time, you will learn, how to critically read and discuss scientific literature and how to prepare and present a scientific presentation on a topic from this area.
Bring your own lunch for the seminar.
- Teacher: Jonathan Bortfeldt
- Teacher: Georgios Dedes
- Teacher: Rasmus Rasche
- Teacher: Hartmut Ruhl
- Teacher: Siddhant Das
- Teacher: Baris Ölmez
- Teacher: Rasmus Rasche
- Teacher: Hartmut Ruhl
- Teacher: Armin Scrinzi
Course overview
Explore the power of Python in the realm of physics with our intensive course on Python Packages for Physics. This course equips you with the essential skills to leverage Python's diverse ecosystem of packages for solving complex physics problems and conducting efficient data analysis. From numerical simulations to data visualization, this course covers fundamental physics concepts while demonstrating hands-on applications using popular Python libraries.
Course format
Each session centers around introducing a distinct Python package, followed by interactive problem-solving sessions where participants collaboratively apply the package to real-world physics scenarios.
Each session starts with a focused 20-30 min presentation which highlights the package's capabilities and relevance in physics problem-solving. This should include a description of the underlying physics and an overview of the algorithms that are used in the package.
A physics problem that is solvable within the context of the package should be defined. In a following hackathon session, the students then solve that problem under supervision of the presenter for the remaining time of the class.
- Master or advanced Bachelor students.
- A solid grasp of Python programming fundamentals.
- Participants are required to bring their own laptops, fostering hands-on engagement during interactive problem-solving sessions. Contact us if this is a problem for you.
Learning Objectives:
Throughout this course, you will:
- Apply Your Python Proficiency: Utilize your existing coding skills to work directly with advanced Python packages tailored to physics applications.
- Expand Physics Knowledge: Explore cutting edge physics scenarios and challenges solvable through computational methods.
- Enhance Problem-Solving Skills: Formulate and solve complex physics problems using appropriate computational tools.
- Encourage Collaboration: Engage in team-based discussions, share ideas, and collaborate in solving problems during hackathon sessions.
- Promote Critical Thinking: Evaluate the most effective ways to utilize Python packages for solving physics problems.
- Teacher: Lorenz Gärtner
- Teacher: David Koch
- Teacher: Nikolai Krug
- Teacher: Thomas Kuhr