This course will focus on Jewish experiences in Latin America from 1500 to the present by beginning with historical narratives about Jews during the colonial periods of Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch colonization. The course will then examine modern Jewish migration to Latin American nations in the 19th and 20th centuries, Jewish community formation, state politics toward Jewish migration before and after the Second World War, Zionism in Latin America, Jewish participation in revolutionary movements, Latin American experiences with anti-Semitism, terrorism and memory in Argentina, and the experiences of Jewish communities in the 21st century across Latin America.
Prüfungsform im BA und mod. LA (Studienbeginn bis SOSE 2020): KL
Achtung NEU!
keine Prüfung im BA und LA (Studienbeginn ab WISE 2020/21)
keine Prüfung im Didaktikfach - Mittelschule und Sonderpädagogik (Studienbeginn ab WISE 2015/16)
- Trainer/in: Lioba Niederhoff
- Trainer/in: Daniel Richter
- Trainer/in: Julia Schneidawind