- Veranstaltungszeit: Di., 16–18 Uhr c.t.
- Veranstaltungsort: Amalienstr. 73a, 211
- Boris Dubov auf der Fakultätshomepage
- Trainer/in: Boris Dubov
- Trainer/in: Severin Uhsler
Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Moodle-Kurs für die Online-Teilnehmer der PÜ von Joerg Rohloff
Das Masterprojekt beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Präventionsstrategien gegen extremistische Botschaften in sozialen Medien eingesetzt werden können. Im Seminar werden wir uns zunächst mit extremistischer Propaganda und Hate Speech beschäftigen und darauf aufbauend Gegenbotschaften kategorisieren und analysieren. Theorien zur narrativen Persuasion zeigen beispielsweise, dass (fiktive, aber auch reale) Geschichten gut geeignet sind, um zum Nachdenken anzuregen oder Einstellungen zu verändern. Im Zentrum des Seminars steht daher die Planung von empirischen Studien zu möglichen narrativen Formaten von Gegenbotschaften, Gegenrede und Strategien zur Extremismusprävention.
Das WPF "Prophylaxe, Erkennen und Therapie von Anästhesienotfällen" gehört zur Profillinie "Anästhesie und Analgesie sowie perianästhetische Intensiv- und Notfalltherapie beim Kleintierpatienten". Im WPF "Prophylaxe, Erkennen und Therapie von Anästhesienotfällen" werden die Anästhesie und Analgesie sowie perianästhetische Intensiv- und Notfalltherapie bei verschiedenen Tierspezies mit verschiedenen Vor-/Erkrankungen vermittelt. Dabei werden die folgenden Themen vertieft: - Welche Besonderheiten gibt es bei Herz-Kreiskauferkrankungen? - Wenn das Atmen schwerfällt: Besonderheiten bei Erkrankungen des Atmungstraktes. - Was ist bei Erkrankungen der Niere, der Leber und des endokrinen Systems zu beachten? - Wenn es plötzlich wehtut: Der Schmerz als Notfall Lernziele: - Die Studierenden erhalten spezielle Kenntnisse zu den krankheitsbedingten Besonderheiten bei der Anästhesie von Kleintierpatienten. - Die Studierenden erhalten spezielle Kenntnisse zu den krankheitsbedingten Besonderheiten bei der Schmerztherapie von Kleintierpatienten. - Sie erfahren, was im Notfall bei der perianästhetischen Intensiv- und Notfalltherapie zu tun ist, wenn die Kleintierpatienten unter krankheitsbedingten Besonderheiten leiden.
Willkommen zum Propädeutikum Programmierung in der Bioinformatik!
Bitte schreibt euch mit dem untenstehenden Einschreibeschlüssel selbst in den Moodle Kurs ein um Teilzunehmen.
Solltet Ihr Probleme beim Anmelden haben, erreicht Ihr uns per Mail an tutorium@bio.ifi.lmu.de .
Einschreibeschlüssel: java
In diesem Proseminar werden wir uns grundlegende Text-, Bild- und Tongenres der islamischen Tradition, wie Koran, Prophetentradition, Biographie, historiographische Texte, geographische Karten, Rechtsdokumente, Baukunst, Kunst und Literatur sowie deren Verbindungen zu heutigen multisprachlichen und transregionalen Praktiken in verschiedenen Medien wie Buch, Radio, TV, YouTube und verschiedenen Apps erarbeiten.
Darüber hinaus reflektieren wir die Geschichte der Islamwissenschaft und verwandter Fächer, d.h. der akademischen Erforschung der oben genannten Genres und Praktiken.
Das Proseminar dient gleichzeitig dem Erlernen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und der Einübung des akademischen Schreibens als Lern- und Denkpraxis.
This course presents selected physical properties of solids as independent units in a series of lectures. Using experimental and simulated examples, the lectures aim to convey a clear understanding of the central solid state aspects, and weekly alternates with computer exercises (Matlab, Octave, Python) under tight supervision, leading to an in-depth understanding. The content starts with kinematic near- and far-field diffraction (Fresnel,Fraunhofer) at atoms, molecules, nanoparticles and infinite solids. Electronic properties, such as the emergence of a band structure, are presented within the framework of 1D and 2D model systems. This is followed by a wave-optical treatment of of imaging in a light- and electron microscope which is exemplified using meta-materials and crystalline solids. Finally the course deals with phase retrieval based on pure diffraction experiments (Ptychography), as is widely used in, e.g., X-ray scattering, and introduces approaches to simulate multiple scattering (multislice) with low implementation effort.
This course will provide the essential tools to conduct academic work in the field of historical and cultural studies. Hollywood’s fabled motion picture industry, which has long played a significant role in American cultural history, will serve as an overarching topic. From the glitz and glamour of Hollywood’s Golden Age, the studios’ struggle with censorship and their efforts during wartime, to critical discussions of race, gender, and class in an industry that propagates the American Dream, “La La Land” offers numerous topics for discussion. The course will offer an approach to academic research, writing, and presentation on Hollywood, its legends, and its movies.
The course targets first-year PhD students and last-year Master students, i.e., if you have just started as wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter or if you study in software engineering (projects or Master thesis) and want to learn more about topics in academic work environments. The idea is to cover things that nobody told you yet in the computer-science studies but which you need if you want to go for PhD.
In order to get started with the discussion, we will usually start presenting some material. This will automatically turn into a discussion after a while. If you are interested, please sign up and stop by.
Please note: This course is mostly about how to do scientific work in the area of software engineering, it is not a course about software engineering itself. If you are interested in an advanced software-engineering course, we recommend Methods in Software Engineering.
There is no exam for this course, and subsequently no ECTS points. We can provide a participant certificate if you regularly attended the course.
The course happens weekly on Tuesday 14-16.
Registration key: SPSE24
Doctoral researchers and Master students interested in a PhD.
Model checking is an important research field in computer science where automatic solutions to the following problem are studied: Given a computational model and a specification, decide whether the model satisfies the specification or not. In practice, a computational model can be a digital circuit (hardware) or a program (software). A specification can be a safety property requiring that errors never happen during the execution of the model. Compared to testing, model checking can guarantee the correctness of a computational model with mathematical rigor. Model checking is rooted in a solid theoretical foundation and requires advanced software engineering for tool implementation. The inventors of model checking won the 2007 Turing Award, and leading technology companies use model-checking techniques to assure the quality of their products.
The goal of this seminar is to learn the mathematical foundation and understand the working of state-of-the-art algorithms for hardware and software model checking. At the end of this seminar, students should become familiar with the background knowledge of model checking and able to explain a scientific publication on model checking in oral and written forms.
The seminar will consist of three phases:
Model checking is an important research field in computer science where automatic solutions to the following problem are studied: Given a computing model and a specification, decide whether the model satisfies the specification or not. In practice, a computing model can be a digital circuit (hardware) or a program (software). A specification can be a safety property requiring that errors never happen during the execution of the computing model. Compared to testing, model checking can guarantee the correctness of computing systems with mathematical rigor. Model checking is rooted in a solid theoretical foundation and requires advanced software engineering for tool implementation. The inventors of model checking won the 2007 Turing Award, and leading technology companies use model-checking techniques to assure the quality of their products.
The goal of this seminar is to learn the mathematical foundation and understand the working of state-of-the-art algorithms for hardware and software model checking. At the end of this seminar, students should become familiar with the background knowledge of model checking and able to explain a scientific publication on model checking in oral and written forms.
The seminar will consist of three phases:
This seminar introduces methods for the computational analysis of quantitative high-throughput RNA sequencing data (RNA-Seq). The seminar is required for the practical course "Computational analysis of RNA-Seq" and the lecture "Human Genomics" is highly recommended.
Instructors: Ines Hellmann hellmann@bio.lmu.de
Beate Vieth vieth@bio.lmu.de
Please remember that you have to consult with one of us at least 2 days prior to the Seminar.
Talks should be 20min/person and including discussion each section should be roughly 1.5h.
The points given in each topics are hints, you may restructure it and make slight changes to the emphasis if you think it to be appropriate.
Talks are generally better if, you consider the following principles:
Less text, more pictures
Text and pictures need to be in sync
Explain everything to a level that your fellow students understand the pictures and statements you make. Don't just show things for the sake showing.
Dependent type theories are formal systems which can be understood both as powerful logics and functional programming languages. They have been studied since the late 1960’s and today serve as the foundations of popular interactive theorem provers such as Agda, Coq, Idris and Lean. In this seminar, we will discuss various important type theories and their properties.
You can register for this seminar only via the central allocation of MSc seminars.
Registration via central registration process for Bachelor seminars
The seminar will be held in presence on Tuesdays, 14-16 in Oettingenstraße 67.
This seminar will be in English.
It is recommended to have attended the lecture “Formale Spezifikation und Verifikation” before.
This seminar studies topics about validation of verification results. The goal of validation is to increase the trust in the validity of the result. Validation allows one to check that the verification was actually done and that the verification tool worked properly. In this seminar, we look into (1) protocols for validation, (2) validation techniques for several analyses like dataflow analysis, abstract interpretation, or model checking.
Under the guidance of your supervisor you will
At the end of the seminar, students are able to autonomously familiarize themselves with a scientific topic and are able to present this topic to a heterogeneous audience orally and in written form.
Sigismund von Luxemburg (1368–1437), Sohn Kaiser Karls IV., war der letzte
Herrscher aus dem Haus Luxemburg und regierte nicht nur das Heilige Römische
Reich, sondern auch Ungarn und Böhmen. Dies und seine Reisen, die ihn durch
beinahe ganz Europa führten, verliehen seiner Herrschaft eine europäische
Dimension, die wiederum zum Erfolg der von ihm mitinitiierten Konzilien von
Konstanz und Basel beitrug. Anhand verschiedener Quellen und
Forschungsdiskussionen untersucht das Seminar die einzelnen Aspekte seiner
spätmittelalterlichen Herrschaft und den Umgang mit den diversen
Herausforderungen seiner Zeit. Zentrale Bestandteile des Kurses sind zudem die
Vermittlung grundlegender Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten im Bereich der
mittelalterlichen Geschichte sowie der wissenschaftlichen Propädeutik.
The goal of the seminar is to prepare each student for writing
scientific grant applications. Students find and read relevant
literature; write a research plan and discuss this plan with various
people; preliminary data or preliminary analysis needed for the proposal
can be collected by IRT3 or other reserach internships/courses. They
write a grant proposal in the format of large funding agencies (e.g.,
DFG or DAAD). Finally, students present their proposals with a talk at
the IRT3 Conference.
The course is taught in English.
Space is one of the most basic, if not the most basic domain of human experience. Much of human life consists of interactions with spatial entities and comprehending and communicating the location of entities in space. To facilitate this, languages have developed a multitude of systems to express spatial relations between entities. This course provides an overview of different kinds of systems of spatial expressions as well as what types of spatial distinctions are made within different types of spatial expression systems. Moreover, the course will discuss how the general human cognitive capacities are reflected in the systems of spatial expressions and the distinctions made in them.
The course can be of interest to students interested in typology and semantics of space, as well as the interface between language and other cognitive properties of humans.
Lehrmaterialien: to be provided during the course.
Leistungsnachweis: active participation in the course, obligatory assignments throughout the course
Le stage est obligatoire pour la formation. La place de stage doit être suffisamment appropriée pour les tâches pratiques dans le contexte des études actuarielles. Mais le contenu détaillé dépend des conditions de la compagnie qui offre ces places de stages, par exemple le département dans lequel l’étudiant travaillera, les tâches et activités concrètes qu’il aura à faire.
The lecture Systems Neuroscience 1 addresses the principles of
sensory processing, the transduction of adequate stimuli, and ensuing sensory-motor interactions. A detailed description of the peripheral and central
stages of each specific sensory system is accompanied by theoretical
concepts of the underlying neuronal processing. The lecture is given
weekly and requires regular attendance and a final exam. The
following sensory systems are covered by participating lecturers:
-The mechanosensory lateral line system of aquatic animals and its role in the detection, identification and localisation of objects on the water surface or within the water body
-Electroreception: peripheral and central properties of independently evolved systems, and the systems’ role in object detection, orientation, and communication
-The ontogenesis, organization and plasticity of the vestibular system and general aspects of sensory-motor interaction
-Properties of diverse magnetoreceptive systems-Principles of several chemoreceptive systems, peripheral and central processes of the gustatory and the olfactory system, multimodal interactions
-Peripheral and central stages of somatosensory systems, and their function
-Mechanisms of pain, and temperature perception