Course Content: This course provides hands-on training in modern videography techniques and electrophysiology methods used in behavioral and sensory neuroscience research. Students will gain practical skills in subject tracking, kinematic feature extraction, behavioral segmentation, and behavioral classification, along with essential techniques for preprocessing and analyzing electrophysiological data. The course will also focus on establishing connections between behavioral and neural variables to infer the understanding of underlying mechanisms.

Learning Outcome: Throughout the course, students will actively engage in practical exercises, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation. They will also have opportunities to work with state-of-the-art videography and electrophysiology equipment and software, gaining proficiency in their application. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of modern videography and electrophysiology techniques and the ability to relate behavioral and neural variables effectively.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of neuroscience, statistics, and programming is recommended. Familiarity with videography and electrophysiology concepts will be advantageous but not mandatory.

Content: We will discuss articles on computational neuroscience ranging from cellular to network computation. Every student will present one article on the topic of their choice on cell and network computation. All students will have to read one article presented by other students and actively participate in a discussion. We will discuss in depth each article and proceed to an interactive 'review' where we will simulate an article revision, and take the roles of editors and reviewers. Constructive feedback on the presentations will further be given to help improving presentation skills.

Evaluation will consist of the article presentation (50%) and the contribution to the discussion of other articles during the course (50%). A basic knowledge of neuroscience is required. The course mainly targets Master and PhD students.

Content: We will discuss a comprehensive and original approach to computational tasks performed by the brain based on the book "Principles of Neural Design" by Simon Laughlin and Peter Sterling. Students will read the book, and one chapter per week will be presented by a student and critically discussed. Evaluation will consist of the chapter presented (50%) and the discussion along the course of other chapters (50%).

Content: This seminar introduces recent data analysis methods highlighted in current research papers. Using Python, participants will actively implement these techniques, gaining first hand experience in application of the methods to the real data and interpreting results. The foundational theories behind these methods will be discussed, referencing established analytical texts. We'll particularly focus on analysis methods regarding time series data, dimensionality reduction, and dynamical systems.

Learning Outcomes: Grasp and apply contemporary data analysis methods from recent research.
Efficiently utilize Python to implement and validate these techniques.
Comprehend the basic theoretical principles underpinning these methods.
Acquire the capability to assess and modify these techniques for specific research objectives.

Hallo zusammen!

Dieser Moodlekurs dient nur dazu, unsere Informationen an alle Teilnehmer an einer Stelle zu bündeln. So gehen keine Infos in Emailwüsten verloren, und auch potentielle Nachrücker können schnell und einfach alles an einer Stelle finden.

Content: Mornings will be devoted to presentations, including student presentations on songbird
neuroscience to familiarize students with topics that will be researched during practical courses.
Afternoons will allow students to get familiarized with stainings and anatomy of songbird brains,
songbird neuroanatomy, electrophysiology and behavior.
Students are required to have a good knowledge on neuroscience corresponding to the Masters
course 'Fundamentals in Neuroscience'.

Learning outcomes: Students will learn about a fantastic model to perform neuroscience research: songbirds. They will
get familiar with methods to study the structure and function of their brains and their behavior.

3 ECTS; 2 weeks block course, date to be determined depending on student availability during summer. Registration per email until April 20th at


Wed 11:30 - 13:00h




Content: Organoids represent an emerging model system technology that allows the growth and analysis of human organ-like tissues in the dish. Brain organoids in particular have proven valuable for research due to the difficulty of investigating human brain development experimentally. In this 2-week block course, the participants will learn how to work in cell culture as well as grow and analyze brain organoids themselves. The course consists of a theoretical and a practical part.

Learning outcome: During the theoretical morning lectures, the students will learn the theoretical basics of stem cell and organoid culture as well as present a recent paper on organoid technologies themselves. During the practical parts in the afternoon, the students will acquire hands-on experience in organoid culture. They will be introduced to good working practices that are required in a sterile stem cell lab. Consequently, they will learn how to culture and passage stem cells as well as grow their own organoids using the original brain organoid protocol (Lancaster and Knoblich, 2014). Finally, the students will learn how to analyze organoids histologically.

3 ECTS; LMU Biocenter Neurobiology

Lecture Content:

Students in this course will be introduced to fundamental experimental methods in Neuroscience, e.g. neuroanatomy and electrophysiology. In several hands-on experimental sessions they will learn the basic working principles of major anatomical staining techniques and electrophysiological setups, as well as record, discuss and interpret their respective datasets.

Lecture Learning outcomes:

After successful completion of this module, students will have covered the most fundamental neuroscientific data acquisition techniques, as well as the basics of thoughtful and critical interrogation and interpretation of the recorded data.

Practical Content:

Students in this course will be introduced to fundamental experimental methods in Neuroscience, e.g. neuroanatomy and electrophysiology. In several hands-on experimental sessions they will learn the basic working principles of major anatomical staining techniques and electrophysiological setups, as well as record, discuss and interpret their respective datasets.

Practical Learning outcomes:

After successful completion of this module, students will have covered the most fundamental neuroscientific data acquisition techniques, as well as the basics of thoughtful and critical interrogation and interpretation of the recorded data.

In this lab you will obtain intracellular recordings from the neurons of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis).

By the end of this lab you will be able to do the following:

  1. Understand the importance of AD/DA conversions, sampling rates and amplification gains.
  2. Dissect a leech and identify segmental ganglia.
  3. Use a micromanipulator to position glass recording electrodes (microelectrodes) over the leech ganglion.
  4. Make intracellular recordings from leech neurons.
  5. Deliver current injections through the electrode using an intracellular amplifier and the PowerLab.
  6. Identify different at least 5 types of neurons (Retzius cells, T cells, N cells, P cells and motor neurons).
  7. Stimulate the sensory neurons (T cells) that are responsive to touch on the skin.
  8. Attempt paired recordings of two Retzius cells and observe the gap-junction coupling.

Additionally you will learn how to to run neuronal simulations using NEURON.

Willkommen zur Übung "Methoden der Physiologie - Teile Human- und Tier-Physiologie"!

Die Übung besteht aus sechs Kursteilen, die über den November und Dezember hinweg durchgeführt werden.

WICHTIG: Für die Bearbeitung einiger der Kursteile verwenden wir eine spezielle browserbasierte Software, die für "Online-Übungen" konzipiert wurde. Für die Benutzung der Software werden Sie einen Link erhalten, um sich anzumelden. Eine Einführung in den Gebrauch der Software (mit dem Namen "Lt") finden Sie hier (auf englisch).

This is a pure online (pandemic) version of the original practical course “Multichannel extracellular recordings in awake behaving rodents: from experiment to data analysis”. It skips the hands-on work with electrodes and animals, but includes essentially more training on data analysis.

Topics NOT present in the online version:
  • Making electrodes
  • Handling and training animals
  • Implanting electrodes into the brain
  • Recording extracellular signals
Topics included into the online version:
  • Origin of extracellular potentials
  • Physical principles of extracellular recording
  • Practical aspects of extracellular recordings
  • Preparing ephys data for analysis
  • Analysis of LFP signals, detection and quantification of low and high frequency oscillations
  • Sorting of extracellular spikes
  • Analysis of spike trains
  • Current-source density (CSD) analysis
  • Potential caveats and pitfalls in analysis of LFP signals 

For each topic I provide first a presentation with theoretical introduction. Then we switch to Matlab where I explain how to implement a particular analysis using a well-commented demo script. At the end the participants can try the explained analysis on their own using the provided list of exercises as a guideline.

Programming skills or prior Matlab knowledge is helpful, but not necessary. No need for a powerful PC or laptop, or Matlab license, because all the work is done remotely on the lab server. Fast enough internet connection is desirable.

Content: The course is intended for Master and PhD students interested in systems neuroscience and willing to learn state-of-the-art extracellular recording techniques and analysis of the electrophysiological data. The course includes both theoretical introduction into all the aspects of the extracellular recording and hands-on practicum on recordings with tetrodes or silicon probes of local field potentials and multiple single neurons in freely moving rats or mice. Training will include animal handling and training, preparing electrodes, brain surgery, recording in typical behavioral tasks, data processing, spike sorting and typical data analysis of local field potentials and spike trains in Matlab. 

Acquired skills: After participating in the course, the students will learn about modern extracellular recording techniques, the origin and interpretation of extracellular signals, application of the techniques to spatial navigation and learning research. They will be familiarized with the terminology relevant to the electrophysiological experiments. Under close supervision, the students will go through all the principle steps of a typical experiment themselves. At the end they will be able to handle and train animals, make tetrodes and implant them into the brain, operate an acquisition system to record extracellular signals, visually explore and evaluate quality of the recorded data, prepare the data for further analysis, do spike sorting, program Matlab scripts to perform typical spectral and spike train analysis. The acquired knowledges and skills can be directly applied to specific scientific projects the students are already working on or plan to work on in the future. 

3 ECTS; 2 week full-day (9:00-18:00 s.t.) block course;


In der Vorlesung werden theoretische und praktische Grundkenntnisse in Tier- und Humanphysiologie vermittelt. Die Vorlesung führt ein in grundlegende Aspekte der Tierphysiologie, dies sind insbesondere: Osmoregulation, Muskelphysiologie, Herz- und Kreislaufphysiologie, Ionentransport über Membranen und Nernst-Gleichung, Atemphysiologie, Sehen, Hören und EEG.


Lerninhalte sind theoretische Grundlagen der Physiologie der Tiere und des Menschen. Die Studierenden beherrschen die Inhalte der Vorlesungen und sind zum Wissenstransfer auf aktuelle Probleme fähig.

Content: The course provides a comprehensive view on the most modern molecular techniques employed to tackle fundamental questions in neurobiology. A particular emphasis will be laid on the use of modern tools to manipulate DNA, reprogram cellular identity and trace brain connectivity, in health and disease.

Learning outcome: Understand how modern techniques can help unravelling unsolved questions in molecular neurobiology.

3 ECTS; Introduction on March 29th 15h is mandatory!

The course consists of a lecture and excercise to deepen knowledge in several neurohistological methods in mammals. Topics include stereotaxis, fixation and preparation of nervous tissue, sectioning, immunostaining, tracing methods, analysing of stained sections with bright field, epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Furthermore, methods for preparing high quality images from multi-immunostainings are applied to prepared sections. Finally, the students will analyse and discuss their results in respect to related publications and prepare a presentation. The students work in groups of 2-3 on individual projects and present the outcome within the class.

The lecture Systems Neuroscience 1 addresses the principles of sensory processing, the transduction of adequate stimuli, and ensuing sensory-motor interactions. A detailed description of the peripheral and central stages of each specific sensory system is accompanied by theoretical concepts of the underlying neuronal processing. The lecture is given weekly (VIA ZOOM; 2 SWS) and requires regular attendance and a final exam. The following sensory systems are covered by participating lecturers:

-The mechanosensory lateral line system of aquatic animals and its role in the detection, identification and localisation of objects on the water surface or within the water body

-Electroreception: peripheral and central properties of independently evolved systems, and the systems’ role in object detection, orientation, and communication

-The ontogenesis, organization and plasticity of the vestibular system and general aspects of sensory-motor interaction

-Properties of diverse magnetoreceptive systems

-Principles of several chemoreceptive systems, peripheral and central processes of the gustatory and the olfactory system, multimodal interactions 

-Peripheral and central stages of somatosensory systems, and their function

-Mechanisms of pain, and temperature perception

1 ECTS in combination with lecture WP10.1; registration until April 12th per email:

The WP10 Biomedical Neuroscience Module offers a comprehensive introduction to clinical neuroscience research. The module consists of two parts:

  • WP10.1: Lecture series every Thursday, 17.00-18.30h, online via Zoom-Meetings, exam, 2 ECTS.
  • WP10.2: Seminar to the lecture series every Friday, 09.00-10.30h, online via Zoom-Meetings, presentation, 1 ECTS. 

Contact: Valerie Kirsch (


In this seminar current research in neurobiology under the umbrella topic "Sensing in Action" are discussed. We will approach the topic from many perspectives - e.g. comparative, behavioral, systems, cellular and molecular and will discuss findings in broad context.

Learning outcomes

The seminar will introduce students to the current state-of-the-art in neuobiology, reading and condensing scientific literature, as well as presenting and discussing neurobiological findings.


Each student will be assigned to a publication, which should be read in depth and summarized in a presentation for the group. Afterwards, the paper, findings and presentation style will be discussed by the group with support of the supervisors.

3 ECTS points


This series of lectures offers detailed insight into the fundamentals underlying mammalian - including human - vision and hearing. The lectures cover a wide range of topics including basics, main neuronal structures and processing principles within the visual and auditory pathway as well as interesting psychophysical phenomena.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of principles of auditory and visual neuronal processing, including behavioural consequences. The students should be able to outline these basic principles and transfer their knowledge into an exam situation. Students will obtain the fundamental knowledge required to participate in further specialized courses of the Master Program and will acquire the basic knowledge prerequisite to physiological research.

An advanced seminar on issues of current interest in neural circuits of visual perception. We will focus on recent discoveries in vision circuits, behaviour and computational model.

We have an interactive online format with plenty of discussions.


The lecture provides an introduction to fundamental principles in Neuroscience. The lecture consists of 22 topics which are organized in 4 blocks: (1) Motor Systems (2) Neuroethology (3) Emotion and bodily resposes (4) Cognition.

Learning outcomes

Students obtain fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to participate in further courses in more specialized neuroscientific topics. Students are equipped with the basic knowledge prerequisite to participate in practical experiments. The students will be able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of Neuroscience. The lecture will also provide students the foundational knowledge required to understand and interpret novel findings and to extract new information from current publications in the field of Cellular and Systems Neuroscience and Neuroethology.