This advanced seminar in the master program „Human Geography and Sustainability: Monitoring, Modeling and Management“ (Master/Hauptfach), designed for Master's level students, focuses on the practical application of statistical techniques in Human Geography and Environmental Communication. In an era where data-driven insights are paramount, the mastery of statistical methods is essential. This seminar offers students the opportunity to explore and apply statistics to address real-world social challenges.
Key Topics and Learning Objectives:
- Statistics in Social Research: Understand the fundamental role of statistics in analyzing social data and the application of various statistical methods to address research questions in the social sciences.
- Applications in Social Sciences: Develop research designs for a range of social issues, including sociology, psychology, economics, and public policy, with a focus on addressing real-world societal challenges.
- Survey Design and Analysis: Gain insights into survey methodology, question design, and the application of statistical techniques to analyze survey data.
- Data Collection and Preparation: Learn data collection, cleaning, and preparation techniques, including handling datasets, missing data, and data visualization.
- Descriptive Statistics: Explore descriptive statistics to summarize and visualize social data, enabling the identification of trends and patterns within the dataset.
- Inferential Statistics: Delve into inferential statistics, covering hypothesis testing, and the application of statistical tests like t-tests, ANOVA, and chi-square tests in social research.
- Multivariate Analysis: Explore multivariate techniques such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis to uncover complex relationships within social data.
Teaching Methodology:
The seminar incorporates lectures, practical exercises, group discussions, and case studies. Students will have access to statistical software commonly used in social research. Students will engage in a hands-on research project where you'll apply statistical methods to a specific research question.- Учитель: Imke Hoppe
Das transdisziplinäre Projektseminar im WS 2024-5 widmet sich dem Thema „Autobesitz und -nutzung in der Kreislaufgesellschaft: Carsharing“. Dabei stehen drei Fragen im Vordergrund:
1. Wie können aktive Carsharing-Nutzer*innen langfristig zur weiteren Nutzung motiviert werden?
2. Wie können ehemalige Carsharing-Nutzer*innen zurückgewonnen werden?
3. Wie können Noch-Nicht-Nutzer*innen für Carsharing begeistert werden?
Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis praxisnahe Lösungen und Handlungsstrategien zu entwickeln, um mehr Menschen in München (und anderswo) für Carsharing zu begeistern und damit einen Beitrag zu einer zirkulären und zukunftsorientierten Mobilität zu leisten.

- Учитель: Antonia Matern
- Учитель: Henrike Rau
- Учитель: Monika Popp
- Учитель: Henrike Rau
- Учитель: Elisabeth Wüthrich

- Учитель: Silvana Leiß
- Учитель: Monika Popp
- Учитель: Henrike Rau
- Учитель: Silvana Leiß
- Учитель: Monika Popp
- Учитель: Henrike Rau
- Учитель: Thomas Kox
- Учитель: Jan Petzold
- Учитель: Eoin Grealis
- Учитель: Monika Popp
- Учитель: Henrike Rau
- Учитель: Barbara Demeterova
- Учитель: Sascha Filimon
- Учитель: Thomas Hüttner
- Учитель: Robert Leiner
- Учитель: Philipp Namberger
- Учитель: Maximilian Witting

- Учитель: Imke Hoppe
- Учитель: Annika Schubert
- Учитель: Monika Popp
- Учитель: Henrike Rau