Master Specialization Module

The project course addresses exciting developments in innovation management while bridging the divide between practice and research. Students work with practitioners and research faculty to explore and answer innovation-related challenges using rigorous research methods.

Course Content

Innovation is a top strategic priority across firms. In this context, firms face a variety of challenges related to how innovation initiatives can be organized and managed in different settings. Moreover, firms are challenged by the emergence of new technologies and the impact that innovations might have on the organization itself, the market in which firms operate but also the wider society and environment. Hence, companies wrestle with questions such as: how to organize the innovation function, how to manage multidisciplinary teams involved in innovation, how generative AI can contribute to innovativeness or what the societal impact of innovation is.

PO 2024: Bachelor Specialization Module: „Marketing, Management, and Innovation“ WP25

PO2015: Bachelor Specialization Module: "Technology & Innovation" II 

Master Specialization Module

What is this course about?

In the seminar Innovating for Organizational, Market, Societal Impact students will work on topics at the intersection of radical innovation, foresight (anticipatory intelligence of firms) and social value creation. Further details will be shared with the participating students via email.

What will I gain from this course?

The purpose of the seminar Innovating for Organizational, Market, Societal Impact is to provide bachelor students with the opportunity to conduct a self-driven, structured research project on a topic that is shaping innovation management and research today. Students will be introduced to critical issues faced by organizations across different industries. Furthermore, the participants will learn to conduct a deep-dive into a specific phenomenon, understand theoretical underpinnings, and extract practical implications. Students will be coached in conducting a literature review and synthesis, writing a scientific paper, and presenting the findings. This seminar also serves as a preparation for students who are interested in writing a bachelor thesis on topics related to innovation.

How is the course conducted?

  • You will do all of your work in English, and we will deliver all instruction in English.
  • If you are interested in pursuing a Bachelor Thesis at the IIM, the paper from this seminar is a prerequisite. (Please also see the guidelines for Bachelor Theses on the ISC website).
  • Please note that attendance at all sessions (even on days when you are not scheduled to present) is mandatory.
  • Per examination guidelines, your attendance at the kick-off session makes your participation in the seminar binding.
  • Course credit: 6 ECTS
  • Examination: Presentation and seminar paper. Both examination parts account for 50% of the final seminar grade.
  • Courses recommended for successful completion of the seminar (not mandatory): Managing the Front End of Innovation (T&I II)