
  • Dieser Kurs ist als Kurs zum Selbststudium konzipiert.


  • Der Einschreibeschlüssel lautet "miniconda3".

Termin: Do 16.15-18.00 in D209

Die Ringvorlesung gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Themengebiete der Statistik, die in den spezifischen Modulen nicht entsprechend behandelt werden können.

Geplant sind

* verschiedene Gastvorträge aus der Berufspraxis

* einige Vorträge zur Geschichte der Statistik und der Künstlichen Intelligenz inklusive ihrer Grundlagen

* Überblicksvorträge über Teilgebiete der aktuellen statistischen Forschung und damit über die verschiedenen Spezialisierungen im Masterstudium

* ein Themenblock zu Kommunikation statistischer Ergebnisse, Datenjournalismus und Open Science

Einschreibeschlüssel: Ringvorlesung

Die Veranstaltung bildet zusammen mit dem Grundlegenden Praxisprojekt das Pflichtmoduls P11: Einführung in die praktische Statistik (6 ECTS-Punkte). Es findet keine eigenständige Prüfung zu diesem Modulteil statt. Der Erwerb der entsprechenden Kompentenzen (3 ECTS-Pukte) kann zum Beispiel durch regelmäßige aktive Anwesenheit nachgewiesen werden.  (Aternativen nach Rücksprache mit dem Veranstatltungsleiter.)

o   Content:

Areal data is a data format in which point observations are aggregated over subregions of a predefined space. These subregions are non-overlapping and make up the entire space. This format is predominately common in medical research and one of the central formats in which, for example, data on Corona infections and hospitalizations were available. Due to the loss of information on the specific point of observation, the estimation of the spatial correlation can become a bit trickier than in spatial point processes. In recent years, especially during the pandemic, working with this type of data has become more relevant for data scientists and statisticians not only due to the relevance of their context but also due to somewhat recent advancements in research on network or graph theory, which allowed research on the statistical methods designed to work with this data more diverse.

We will start of by going over the basic concepts in areal data analysis from Moran’s I over to a brief gloss over Markov Random Fields. With this we can then explore more classical methods on areal data analysis, such as Bayesian MCMC methods in the BYM model framework, up to models which have been developed in recent years and include more theoretical concepts of graph theory. It is also possible to explore some machine learning models designed to work with areal data, as well as taking a closer look at integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA).

o   Schedule:

o   Kick off (within the first two weeks of the semester) we will talk about the basics of spatial statistics

o   Phase 1: Foundations (2 weeks)
In the first 2 weeks after the kick off, we’ll meet weekly (!) to discuss a specific section of Spatial Statistics and Modeling (Gaetan) We’ll work through chapter 5.2 and 5.3 as well as some excerpts of Applied Spatial Data
Analysis with R (Bivand) at first to establish a foundation for us to work with.

o   Phase 2: Book club (2 weeks)

You will be asked to present a paper out of a selection of papers to the other students (45 mins to 1 hour) thereafter we will discuss the content of the presentation (30%= 20% presentation+ 10% discussion)

o   Phase 3: Implementation (5 weeks)

You will be asked to pick a dataset out of the ones provided or find your own in which you will apply one of the methods you found interesting in the book club phase.

o   Phase 4: Presentations (1 week)

You will hold a short presentation 10-15 mins about your project. (30%=20% presentation+ 10% discussion)

Phase 5:

You will write and hand in a final report on your implementation; this does not have to be handed in before the end of the semester, but should be within 3 or 4 weeks of the last day of lectures. (Not more than 10 pages) (40%)

Times and Dates: Monday, 2.15 to 3.45 pm in E216, and Tuesday 5.30 to 7 pm in F007; first lecture on Tuesday, April 16.

Curricular Embedding: 6 ECTS, Master's programme in Statistics and Data Science: "Narrow electice (2 out of 3)" in the Methodology and Modelling track, "wider elective" in the Social Statistics and Data Science and the Econometrics tracks, "general elective" for all tracks; elective in the Master's programme Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik; options for other programmes upon request.  

Contents: Decision theory deals with rational decisions under uncertainty. It has high interdisciplinary importance, for example, in the analysis and support of decisions in business administration or finance (e.g. investment strategies), economics or sociology (rational choice theory), medicine (e.g. expert systems) or engineering (e.g. autonomous control). Moreover, statistical decision theory can be seen as a formal framework for choosing analysis methods (optimal tests or estimators, best classification algorithms, etc.). This general view, understanding statistics and machine learning as special cases of decision theory, plays a fundamental role in the critical analysis and problem-adequate generalization of any data-based learning procedure.

The course first discusses the general structure of decision problems, including fundamental decision principles. Then it analyzes and characterizes the Bayes and minimax criteria as extreme poles to deal with (state) uncertainty and develops modern alternatives in the context of complex uncertainty (ambiguity).

Enrolment Key: DT24

Additional Note: If you are interested in active participation in the course but cannot always come in person for good reasons, you are welcome to contact me (Thomas Augustin). We are currently investigating whether we can offer a fallback Zoom solution. 

The course offers a unique, first-hand introduction to official statistics. It is based on video material produced by colleagues from Eurostat, the German Federal Statistical Office, and the statistics departments of the European Central Bank and the Deutsche Bundesbank. The material is successively made available for self-study and then discussed in classroom meetings, during which some of the lecturers from official statistics and students from Trier University will join us.

Enrolment key: EMOS-B24

Time: Tuesday from 4 pm (s.t.) to 5.30 pm, approximately every second week

Begin: Tuesday, April 19 in hybrid format (F007 (Main Building) and Zoom)

Enrolment key: RegCorDat24

Thursday 14:00-16:00

Room: Schellingstr. 3 (S) - S 001

This is an inverted classroom style - course. We only meet once a week despite this being 4 hour / week  because you are expected to come prepared to every session -- that means: you've watched the lecture videos on LMUcast, you've reviewed the slides, you've worked through the self-assessment quizzes, and you've posted the questions you would like to see addressed during the session in the Moodle forum.

Exercise sheets will be available at least one week in advance, with full written solutions available before and discussed during Thursday in-person sessions.
You are expected to hand in solutions for exercise sheets 2 and 4 via Moodle, due on May 09 and May 30, respectively.

Grading: Oral exam at the end of the semester.


Lecture Wed, 12:15-13:45 Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (M) / M 209
Lecture/Exercise Thu,  10:15-11:45Prof.-Huber-Pl. (W) / Lehrturm-W401

  • The enrolment key is: "rademacher"


  1. Overview
  2. Fundamentals and Properties of Stochastic Processes
  3. Univariate ARIMA-Processes
  4. Estimation and Forecasting of ARIMA-Models
  5. Univariate GARCH-Models + Extensions
  6. Selected aspects: Long Memory und Fractional Differencing, Threshold-Models

Intended audience: Advanced bachelor and master students of statistics, mathematics, computer science (Informatik), economics and business administration.

Prerequisites: Solid mathematical foundations (analysis and linear algebra), basic knowledge in econometrics (econometrics 1) or statistics (linear models).

Record of Achievement:

This course grants 6 ECTS and can be credited for Zeitreihen (WP7, BA Statistik, PO 2010),  Time Series (WP 18,  MA Statistics and Data Science, PO 2021), Zeitreihen (P 6.0.27, MA Statistik, PO 2010), Zeitreihen (P 8.0.32, MA Biostatistik, PO 2010) and Zeitreihen (P 7.0.5, MA WiSo Statistik, PO 2010)

Students of other courses of study (mathematics, computer science, etc.) or external students (e.g. TUM) may take part in the final exam and receive a grade as well. However, you have to clarify the crediting modalities on your own with your Prüfungsamt beforehand.

Key: utsa24

The course Analysis of high-dimensional biological data (formerly Statistische Methoden in Genomik und Proteomik / Statistical methods for biological high-throughput datawill cover important statistical methods and concepts for the analysis of high-dimensional biological high-throughput data. We will focus on bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq, proteomic, metabolic, and especially microbiome data such as 16S rRNA and other amplicon data. 

All lectures and exercises will be taught in English. Most lectures are already recorded and are available online (see Announcements for the link). The lecture slot will be used as flipped classroom in person. The flipped lectures will not be recorded. 

The first in-person meeting will be on April 17 where we discuss admin and general course structure topics.  

Enrollment key: HighDimBio24

Welcome to this introductory course on causality! This is where we gather all the material and organize the in-person sessions.

Dates [Summer Term 2024]

Lecture: Monday, 12h15 - 13h45
Lecture/Exercise (alternating): Tuesday, 08h30 - 10h00

If self-enrollment in this moodle course does not work automatically, you need to register via the backdoor ;)
--> Enrollment key: backdoor


Kick-off Meeting

  • Wednesday, April 17, 12-2pm 
  • Via Zoom 

Credits and Contents

  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Applied Software Projects, working in a group of 1-3 students
  • Final Submission Date: Open for Discussion

Enrollment key: TensorTorchJax

This course is about the theoretical foundations of probabilistic and Bayesian DL

-- Only for participants that have been officially assigned to the seminar --

The lecture aims at providing a basic theoretical and practical understanding of modern neural network approaches.


Note: Both the lecture and the lab sessions start in the first week of the summer semester (15.04 - 19.04)
  Time  Place  Lecturers 
 Lecture  Mo 4-6pm (c.t.) Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (M) - M 014 David Rügamer 
 Lab Session  Tue 14-16pm  (c.t.) Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (E) - E 216 
 Emanuel Sommer

Enrollment key: DLearn

People and Dates

Date and TimePlaceLecturer
Mo. 10.00-12.00Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (M) -M 218
David Rügamer
Tue. 10.00-12.00Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (E) -  E 004
ExerciseThu. 12.00-14.00Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (B) - B 006
Rickmer Schulte
TutorialThu. 08.00-10.00Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (A) -   A 021
Elisa Noltenius

Enrolment key: StatMod_s24

Inverted classroom with 90 min live lecture recap + 90 min live exercise recap

  • Time: Wednesday 10:15-11:45 h
  • Location: M 105
  • Time: Tuesday 08:15-09:45 h
  • Location: A 021

Enrollment key
  • The enrollment key is I2ML.

  • Der Einschreibeschlüssel ist StoSta24

  Di  (S 002) & Do (S 003),  12-14 
Mi 14 -16 (E 004 HGB),
Do 14-16 (E 004 HGB).

The lecture deals with theoretical and practical concepts from the fields of statistical learning and machine learning. The main focus is on predictive modeling / supervised learning. The exercise session applies these concepts and methods to real examples for illustration purposes.


LectureWednesday, 12:15-13:45
Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (A) - A 119
Exercise sessionThursday, 16:15-17:45Schellingstr. 3 (S) - S 003

    Enrolment key
    • The enrolment key is: SL_ss24


    Person Beginning
    Lecture/Exercise Tuesday, 10:15-11:45 B 006 Hoffmann/Boulesteix 16.04.24

    Enrolment key
    • The enrolment key is: "Pitfalls24"
    This course grants 3 ECTS and can be credited for "Selected Topics in Biostatistics", "Selected Topics in Applied Statistics" and "Statistical Literacy".
    Termin Ort Person Beginn
    Vorlesung Di, 08:30-10:00
    Mi, 10:15-11:45
    Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (D) / D 209
    Schellingstr. 3 (S) / S 005
    Thomas Nagler 16.04.2024
    Übungsgruppe 1 Mo, 16:15-17:45 Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (M) - M 010 Nicolai Palm 22.04.2024
    Übungsgruppe 2 Do, 12:15-13:45 Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (D) - D 209 Jana Gauß 18.04.2024
    Tutorium Fr, 12:15-13:45 Schellingstr. 3 (S) / S 004 Eugen Gorich 19.04.2024

    • Der Einschreibeschlüssel lautet: "linalg2024"





    Tuesday, 12:15 - 13:45
    Prof. Dr. Heumann

    Exercise course     
    (Group 1)

    Wednesday, 08:15- 09:45 Sapargali, Garces Arias 

    Exercise course
    (Group 2)

    Wednesday, 14:15 - 15:45      
    Sapargali, Garces Arias    


    Friday, 10:15 - 11:45
    Prof. Dr. Heumann
    TutoriumFriday, 08:15 - 09:45Stephan

    Enrollment Key
    • The enrollment key is "stat_inf_s24"
    Note: the course is creditable for "Mathematische Statistik, M.Sc. Mathematik WP5 (PO2021)".

    Short Description: You will learn how to tackle practical challenges in ML using R. Topics include an introduction to an ML toolbox in R, (advanced) tuning techniques, custom ML pipelines, classifier calibration, handling class imbalances, ML benchmark experiments with hypothesis testing, ML model ensembling/stacking, and ML interpretability. Sessions consist of brief methodological overviews followed by hands-on exercises, requiring laptops for full engagement.

    Prerequisite: To participate in this lecture, you must have completed and passed the courses:

    • Introduction to Machine Learning (I2ML)
    • Programming with Statistical Software (R), ideally with a good grade as good knowledge of R is required

    Kick-off: Wednesday, April, 17th from 09:00 - 12:00 (s.t.) at Theresienstr. 39 - B 139 (check Moodle for up-to-date information)

    Enrolment key: appml24

    This course will discuss essential research techniques in statistics and data science, also preparing students for successfully participating in seminars and writing a thesis. The material presented focuses mainly on classical research techniques and a first understanding of research as a social system. Beyond this, classroom discussions will hopefully help combine the classical techniques with "modern personal knowledge management methods", which are currently also intensively disseminated by different YouTube authors. 

    The course is part of the Bachelor’s programmes in Statistics and Data Science (150 major or 60 ECTS minors: `Methoden und Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens’,  P16.1, and  WP 12.1 / WP 13.1, respectively ). All interested Master’s students and Bachelor's students from the "old PO" are most welcome as well. A certificate can be issued for active personal attendance.

    NEW: Minor students and Bachelor's degree Erasmus students who will not attend a seminar can obtain 3 ECTS via an examation at the end of the course.

    Time: Monday 12.15 to 14.00, M 110 (main building), on April 22, May 6, May 13, May 20, June 5, and on a further date at the end of June (to be arranged).

    Enrolment key: ResTech24

    If you are interested in active participation in the course but cannot always come in person for good reasons, you are welcome to contact me (Thomas AugustiIn). We are currently investigating whether we can offer a fallback Zoom solution.  


    Person Beginning
    Lecture Tuesday, 14:15-16:45 Richard-Wagner-Str. 10 / D 105 Hoffmann/Boulesteix 16.04.24
    Exercise session Monday, 10:15-11:45 E 004 Hornung 29.04.24

    Enrolment key
    • The enrolment key is: "DAS24"

    Dates: Wednesday 24.04.; 08.05.; 29.05.; 26.06.; 03.07.; 10.07.; 17.07.

    Time: 09:00 - 12:00 s.t.

    Location: A213 main building

    Enrollment Key: MissingData24

    Course Description

    Missing data are a common problem in almost any dataset which can lead to biased results if the missingness is not taken into account at the analysis stage. Imputation is often suggested as a strategy to deal with missing values allowing the analyst to use standard complete data methods after imputation. However, several misconceptions about the aims and goals (isn't imputation making up data?) of imputation make some users skeptical about the approach. In the first part of the course we will illustrate why thinking about missing data is important and clarify which goals a useful imputation method should try to achieve (and which not).

    The second part of the course will provide a detailed introduction to multiple imputation, a convenient strategy for dealing with missing data. We will motivate the concept and illustrate why multiple imputation should generally be preferred over single imputation methods. The main focus of the course will be on strategies to generate (multiple) imputations and how to deal with common problems when applying the methods for large scale surveys. We will also discuss various options for assessing the quality of the imputations. All concepts will be demonstrated using software illustrations in R.

    Curricular Embedding

    The course can be recognized as 'Selected Topics of Social Statistics and Social Data Science' (3 ECTS, WP 40). Alternatively, the course can be combined with the course "Measurement and Modelling, Part A" (offered each winter semester) to the 6 ECTS Module "Measurement and Modelling" (WP 38). 

    Einschreibeschluessel: s24dcqd

    Block course  5. August-8. August + 12. August - 15. August

    Die Veranstaltung wendet sich an Studierende im Bachelor Statistik (3. / 4. Semester). Das "Grundlegende Praxisprojekt" (BA Statistik und Data Science - PO 2021) ist eine Pflichtveranstaltung (Modul P 11.1).

    Die Veranstaltung wird während der Vorlesungszeit angeboten. Diese Die Einführungsveranstaltung mit Anwesenheitspflicht findet am 23.04. 9-11 statt.
    Aus organisatorischen Gründen ist eine frühzeitige, separate Anmeldung für die Teilnahme während der Vorlesungszeit nötig -- schreiben Sie sich bitte ein und gehen Sie dann zur Anmeldung auf der Kursseite.

    Einschreibeschlüssel: grndlgnprks24

    Advanced Statistical Programming using R

    The enrolment key / password for the course is: FortStatSoftNF.

    If you have questions please contact statprog@stat.uni-muenchen.de.

    The course will be taught in English, more information can be found in the course itself.


    Veranstaltung     Termin                       Ort Person           
    Mo, 12.00 - 14.00
      Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 - E 216    
    Do, 08.00 - 10.00
      Schellingstr. 3 - S 004
    Di, 10.00 - 12.00 
      Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 - F 007
    Rave / Piller
    Do, 14.00 - 16.00
      Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 - F 007
    Rave / Piller
    Di, 12.00 - 14.00  
      Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 - F 007



    • Bachelor Statistik und Data Science: WP7 Ausgewählte Gebiete der statistischen Modellierung
    • Nebenfach Statistik und Data Science (60 ECTS): WP6 Einführung in die Bayes-Statistik
    • Nebenfach Statistik und Data Science (30 ECTS): WP8 Einführung in die Bayes-Statistik
    • Bachelor Informatik mit integriertem Anwendungsfach Statistik: WP40 Einführung in die Bayes-Statistik
    • Bachelor Wirtschaftsmathematik: P17 Ausgewählte Gebiete der angewandten Statistik
    • Andere Studiengänge auf Anfrage

    Einschreibeschlüssel: HaroldJeffreys

    This seminar is designed for bachelor and master students. It aims to teach students how to handle and analyze compositional data, with a focus on microbiome data, and to help them gain a better understanding of the field. It should foster critical thinking and problem solving skills in the context of biomedical data analysis. The course should also encourage students to collaborate, communicate, and improve their presentation skills.

    • A first meeting will take place at the beginning of the semester (will be scheduled in agreement with the participants), where the seminar topics are briefly introduced and assigned to the participants.

    • The main part of the seminar with the presentations and discussions will be held as a block during the semester

    • Seminar type: Block-type and in-person

    • Language: The seminar will be held in English

    • Target group: Bachelor and Master in Statistics

    • Recognition possibilities: Biostatistics, Methodology and Modeling

    Enrollment key: CODA_SS24

    The seminar will present and discuss current statistical analyses on the topic of the climate crisis by addressing central topics from a joint research project (CLIMEX II) with the LMU Chair of Physical Geography and Environmental Modelling. There will be two focal points.

    1. Statistical modelling of climate change, extreme climatic events and natural hazards. This involves uncertainty quantification of climate models, drought forecasts for Bavaria, modelling of extreme events

    2. Effects of climate change on human health. In particular, models that attempt to analyse the current and future adverse effects (e.g., the number of additional deaths) caused by climate change will be discussed. In particular, analyses by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be discussed.

    Students are expected to engage intensively with the scientific literature and present the statistical methodology for the chosen topic. It is possible to present your topics and, if suitable, to work on them in the seminar.

    Key: Climate24


                    Type                       Date            Location             Start     



        Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (A) / A 017     




        Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (D) / D Z005      



    Enrolment Key:  ectheory24


    Initial meeting  16.04.2024 
      9:00-12:00  #144, Ludwigstr. 33
    Binding registration (Econ M.Sc.)
            -             -
    Final presentations
      #144, Ludwigstr. 33
    Term paper submission
     31.08.2024               -

    The enrollment key will be communicated to the registered students by email.


    VorlesungDi, 12:15-13:45Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (A) - A 021Schulz-Kümpel16.04.24
    Übung/VorlesungDo, 12:15-13:45Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (A) - A 022Schulz-Kümpel18.04.24

    Einschreibeschlüssel: multi_verfahren_s24

    Statistik II für Statistiker: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Grundlagen der Statistik

    Termin Hörsaal Dozent
    Vorlesung Mo 10-12
    Volker Schmid
    Do 10–12
    Übung Gruppe 1 Mo 14–16
    Martje Rave, N.N.
    Übung Gruppe 2 Mi 8–10
    Tutorium Di 18-20
    Michael Kobl

    Einschreibeschlüssel: Poisson


    • Vorlesung: Dienstag, 16 - 18 c.t.
    • Übungen (Statistik II): 
      Mittwoch, 12 - 14 c.t. (2x) & 14 - 16 c.t. (2x)
      Donnerstag, 18 - 20 c.t.
      Freitag, 10 - 12 c.t.
    • Übung (Statistik I):
      Montag, 10 - 12 c.t.


    • Der Einschreibeschlüssel lautet "2024wiwistat".