- Ferienkurs (7.-11.10.2024)
- Veranstaltungszeit (und -ort): 9-15 Uhr s.t. (PHP 2, V 002)
- This course focuses on legal terminology relating to how companies are obliged to structure their governance activities, particularly in areas where compliance with legal requirements, such as in the area of business ethics are essential for an endeavor to be successful and to establish a basis for sustainable growth. We will be looking at how governance structures and systems of internal control are established, what types of functions and monitoring activities exist and how they contribute to the long-tern success of companies. Furthermore we will discuss the needs of a compliance organization in today's corporate world, touching on particular topics such as Compliance & Ethics rules and processes, codes of business conduct and how these are deployed and enforced, as well as specific compliance topics, such as risk management, environmental health & safety, fraud prevention, data security/data protection, export control activities and business continuity planning.
- Den Einschreibeschlüssel erhalten Sie vom Veranstaltungsleiter.
- Steven Bechhofer auf der Fakultätshomepage
- Teacher: Steven Bechhofer
10.–14.03.2025 (PHP 2, V 002)
Den Einschreibeschlüssel erhalten Sie ausschließlich vom Dozenten
Steven Bechhofer
- Teacher: Steven Bechhofer
10.–14.2.2025, 9–15 Uhr (PHP 2, V 005)
Den Einschreibeschlüssel erhalten Sie ausschließlich von der Dozentin
Barbara Reilly
- Teacher: Barbara Reilly
Do., 14:00–15:30 (Ludwig 28, Rgb 122)
Den Einschreibeschlüssel erhalten Sie ausschließlich von der Dozentin
Barbara Reilly
- Teacher: Barbara Reilly