This tutorial and exercise accompanies the lecture
Medical Physics Aspects in Ion Beam Therapy in Clinical Practice. A
registration for this tutorial is strongly recommended for all participants of
the lecture.
In the tutorial we will recap some aspects of the lecture and answer questions,
we will solve together in-class exercises, preparing you for working at home on
the short weekly exercise sheet. The exercise sheets should be handed-in and
will be corrected.
Please register on LSF.
- Trainer/in: Jonathan Bortfeldt
of the Lecture:
- Trainer/in: Peter Thirolf
Content of the Lecture:
Overview of detector systems for Medical Imaging
Basic physical interactions of particles and radiation with matter
Gas-filled (ionization) detectors
Scintillation Detectors
Basics of Positron Emission Tomography
Semiconductor detectors: Silicon
Semiconductor detectors: Germanium
Electronic detector readout and signal processing
Radiochromic films and Thermoluminiscence detectors
- Trainer/in: Peter Thirolf
- Trainer/in: Petra Glier
- Trainer/in: Eileen Helm
- Trainer/in: Katia Parodi
- Trainer/in: Petra Glier
- Trainer/in: Eileen Helm
- Trainer/in: Katia Parodi
- Trainer/in: Petra Glier
- Trainer/in: Eileen Helm
- Trainer/in: Katia Parodi