Macroeconomics provides you with the core concepts and models used in macroeconomics. The focus will be on the basics for analyzing growth and business cycles. In contrast to bachelor-level courses, we will focus on micro-founded models of intertemporal choice. The course will cover some of the most important workhorse models of macroeconomics and we will study their implications for macroeconomic policy.

The course will have a lecture component and a tutorial component. Lectures and tutorials will take place on-site. Changes and news will be announced on LSF/Moodle. All material will be structured according to the chapters listed in the course content.         

Die Mikroökonomik beschäftigt sich damit, das wirtschaftliche Verhalten von Haushalten und Unternehmen zu analysieren und die Funktionsweise von Märkten (und anderen Institutionen), in denen Haushalte und Unternehmen interagieren, zu erklären. Die Vorlesung führt in die Grundlagen des Faches ein, gibt einen Überblick über weitergehende Themen, die in anderen Vorlesungen vertieft werden, und soll Ihr Interesse an Fragen der Wirtschaftswissenschaft wecken.

In this course, you learn to apply both microeconomic and macroeconomic theory as well as econometric methods to analyze fundamental questions regarding education and human capital. What are the long-term gains from education for the society and the individual? Why do people invest time, money, and other resources in education? How can we measure human capital? How can education be efficiently provided? Can education help to create a more equal society?

Die Kurseinschreibung ist geschlossen. Es ist keine Teilnahme mehr möglich.

The strengthened internationalization of modern economies constitutes a new framework to public spending and revenue policies, creating new challenges for policy makers. This course analyses the incentives for and effects of state actions in an international setting. Topics include, among others, the theory of international public goods, optimal tariffs, strategic trade policy, and tax competition.